आमूल सुधार - amool sudhar,amul sudhar meaning in hindi

Suggested :
अधिकोष लेखा | bank account |
He declared: "If they can prove that I have a bank account abroad | |
अंतिम रूप | final form |
When the Kanun laws attained their final form | |
उपस्रवण | jet |
If the fully expanded jet has a higher speed than the aircraft's airspeed | |
चंदा देना | to contribute |
When World War II began, Teller wanted to contribute to the war effort. | |
ऐडवाइजरी | tip |
Camille crossed the southeastern tip of Louisiana, and then hit near Bay St. |
amool sudhar,amul sudhar
अक्षरों की संख्या: 10 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
aamuula sudhaara
Related spellings : aamool sudhaar,amool sudhar,aamul sudhaar
Related spellings : aamool sudhaar,amool sudhar,aamul sudhaar
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